Thursday, May 24, 2007


When I first found out we were expecting twins, I wondered how we would ever deal with 2 babies at once. 1 was hard enough (although so rewarding!) Then I started looking into Babywearing and bought a Moby wrap. It was great! I could hold both babies at the same time in the wrap and still have my hands free to help our son! Plus the girls loved it and it helped them feel safe and warm.

Fast forward to May 2007. I've tried so many different slings, wraps and Mei Tais and have found my favorites. But I'm always experiementing and looking for new things to try. After all, the girls are only little for a very short time! Sure, some things have changed. I can't wrap both together anymore and they are 20lbs instead of 6. But they still love being worn. It's great for them to be close to me, and I love that it has given me time to snuggle with them that I might not have had otherwise. Plus it keeps my hands free for other things. I can actually wrap one on my back, one on my front and still pick up Colin. I don't do it often, but it's comforting to know I can if I need to!

So this photo is of my latest sling. It's a P-Sling Avant Gradation with rings by Me & Ro. It's gorgeous and the girls love it! (It's a bit too girly for Colin's taste though - he much prefers wraps!)


Tori said...

Very cool! I tried the baby bjorn thing with my son, but never really got into it. I've never heard of Babywearing... gonna have to check into that for whenever we finally get around to having #2. I love the colors in this... very pretty!

Michelle said...

my twins are 12--wish i had had something like this with them! great colors in your wrap.

Drea said...

beautiful ring sling.. i love the way the ring has something embosed on it! i own many carriers, the moby is my favorite. wish i had funds to but a didy :-) wrap